Facebook Marketplace Buy and Sell | Locate FB Marketplace Online | How you sell in Facebook Marketplace


Facebook Marketplace buy and sell” is one of the most used Facebook features that has helped lots of users to advance the course of their businesses online. In today’s post, we will be looking at How you sell in Facebook Marketplace.

Thus, this article is here to show Facebook users, as well as, non-users how to advertise their businesses on Facebook‘s social networking site without making any payment.

Thus, if you are looking for a post on Facebook marketplace buy and sell, you are at the right place.

Facebook Marketplace iOS App – Marketplace App for iPhone

Facebook Marketplace is one golden opportunity Facebook provides its users to buy and sell different products. Some online platforms are mainly into selling for people to buy however, the Facebook Marketplace is different.

Interestingly, on facebook marketplace, you can buy and also sell. On the platform, Facebook connects people who are in the same geographical locations together.

This implies that peradventure you live in a city like New York, you would be connected to people in New York and other cities that are close by.

You get to select your catchment and only people within that catchment can see you in the market. Facebook Marketplace is a giant online marketplace where you can market and purchase anything which is in alignment with Facebook Marketplace place terms and policies.

Additionally, you need to market products that are standard so you don’t have purchasers demanding a refund.

Facebook Marketplace Buy and Sell

First off, this is how you buy in Facebook Marketplace:

  • Get in the Facebook Marketplace
  • Choose the item you desire to purchase
  • Click “MESSAGE”
  • Send the seller a message for purchase

Here is how you sell in Facebook Marketplace:

  • Get in the Facebook Marketplace
  • Click “Sell Something”
  • Display what you want to sell (input all the details of the merchandise)
  • Click on “POST”

With the above information, you can buy and sell your products on Facebook.

How to Locate Facebook Marketplace on Facebook

Finding this marketplace is something made easy by Facebook so the user does not go through the stress of trying to find it out.

Here are the steps you need to follow to locate Marketplace Facebook, follow these steps:

  1. Login Facebook on any device with internet access (Android, iPhone, Laptop, Desktop)
  2. Click on the shop icon
  3. The icon that looks like a storefront is what takes you into the Facebook Marketplace.

It is accessible at the top left side of your desktop page, at the bottom for IOS, and at the top for Android devices.

BONUS: Let’s quickly take a brief at the processes for creating a Facebook account. This is pertinent because the facebook marketplace buy and sell feature is buried in the heart of the Facebook app as well as the Facebook website. Thus, without creating an account on the platform, you can use the free online marketing option.

Here are the steps for signing up for a Facebook account online:

  1. Go to the google play store or apple store and download facebook app on your mobile. If you are using your personal computer, you will need to visit the facebook homepage via facebook.com
  2. Next, enter all the information required of you at the account signup section of the page
  3. Click signup
  4. enter the confirmation code
  5. Click submit

That is how to create a facebook account.

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