Facebook Marketplace on Desktop, Android, & IOS – Buy And Sell On Facebook Marketplace Near Me


Are you looking for a guide on how to find facebook marketplace on desktop, android, and iOS devices? This article is all about facebook marketplace.

Thus, during the course of this guide, you will see all you need to know on buy and sell on facebook marketplace near me.

See: How to access faebook marketplace button

In view of that, if you are a facebook user and wondering how to access marketplace on fb, this article has gotten your back. Just keep reading and if you don’t mind, share it with your friends and loved ones!!!

Facebook Marketplace – Facebook Marketplace | Facebook Marketplace Near Me. Facebook Marketplace near Me – Marketplace Facebook Buy Sell – Facebook Free Marketplace. Facebook Introduces Marketplace For Cars – Facebook Marketplace Cars in 2021.

Marketplace Facebook Buy Sell – Facebook Marketplace is now entirely free to use to advertise on Facebook social media platform. it is a platform on Facebook that is used for buying and selling just like every online market place.

Yes, facebook marketplace is just like Craiglist and the rest of the online marketing platform. However, facebook marketplace differs from the rest of the online marketing platform in the sense that it is free to use.

You may want to start up your own online shop however, do not have enough capital required to get a rented space and advertisements. This is one problem Facebook Marketplace can help you get resolved.

Howbeit, you should know that this Marketplace has a setting that helps users locate buyers and sellers near them. You have to go through your Facebook Marketplace setting and choose the areas you want to be seen.

This is a location or an area in which you can be seen as a buyer or seller. You will also see other buyers and sellers found in this environment on facebook marketplace.

Steps On How to Find the Facebook Marketplace on Desktop, Android, & IOS

The process involved in accessing marketplace is pretty simple and easy. All you need to do is to, first of all, login your facebook profile and then follow the procedure we will be showing you below:

Interestingly, on your Facebook page, there is a Facebook Marketplace Icon. The icon is just like a storefront. This icon is found in different areas of your page for Desktop, Android, as well as IOS. All you need to do to get yourself acquainted with the platform is just to browse around if you have the time.

Better still, you can use these simple steps to find marketplace:

On Desktop: the Facebook marketplace icon is found on the menu bar located on the left-hand side of your page.

On Android: the Facebook marketplace icon is located at the top of your page among other icons like the notification icon, friend request icon, and messenger icon.

On IOS: the Facebook marketplace icon is located at the bottom of your Facebook Page.

That is to say that when marketing for sale on this fb marketplace platform, it is very vital you take good photo shots of the items you want to sell include a detailed description of them. These items are categories and if you are a buyer, all you need to do is search for the item you want to buy base on the facebook marketplace categories.

Once you see the item, the marketer will be unveiled and you can contact them via messenger. Yes, all that is required of you is to send the seller a message and bargain before purchase.

BONUS: Creating Facebook Account

Facebook marketplace near me can only be accessed and use if you have a facebook account. The reason is that the marketing place is situated within the facebook platform.

So if you are a business owner and want to use facebook marketplace buy and sell near me but yet to signup for a facebook account, here are the simple steps you will need:

  1. First, go to facebook.com
  2. Next, go to the account signup section
  3. Now, you will need to supply all the required information
  4. Once you are done with that, simply click signup
  5. Next, go to your email or phone inbox and copy the confirmation code that has been sent to you
  6. Enter the code at the required field and click submit

That is how to create a facebook account. It is that simple and easy.

I believe this article, Facebook Marketplace on Desktop, Android, & IOS – Buy And Sell On Facebook Marketplace Near Me was helpful. Kindly share!!!

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